20 April 2010

Top Stupid Questions

While I had a temporary gig at a Caribbean Bakery, I must say I have heard some of the dumbest questions and experienced the dumbest complaints ever!!!! Here are some I remember:

Customer walks in, can't possibly miss the loud calypso music playing, or the big trini flags everywhere or the giant menu on the wall facing her...."yall got some mambo sauce n wings?" 

Other questions were:

Are yall open? (after person walks through door, lights are on and there's clearly a customer eating at the table by the door.)

Why dont u have donuts?

What is in the beef patty? (im pretty sure we call it beef just for the hell of it)

Is trinidad in jamaica? (my all time fave)

Customer number ten million  came in and complained the sodas weren't american...last time i checked there are at least four stores on the same block selling american drinks but she walked into the CARIBBEAN  place asking for AMERICAN drinks....

and there was the guy who asked for rice n stewed lentils minus the lentils.....as in rice with... water?

14 April 2010

Not A Morning Person!!

So this morning.......

 I babysat. I arrived a lil frazzled cuz I had to find an atm to get money to take the bus, only for the atm screen to be dim (as if my sight isnt already blurry enough)  anyhow I took out my 20 n went to the gas station to get it changed all while missing 3 busses. I finally get what I need and run to catch the 4th one to pass, caught it! rode it to work and you wouldnt believe what happened next......(cue mysterious music)

....Im left to care for a baby boy and his pet dog (mind you, I hate dogs)....the dog didnt bite me ....but it did manage to vomit all over the carpet and a little got on the boy's Dr. Seuss book (thank God for hard covers). Thoroughly grossed out, I moved the baby away and got plastic bags to clean it up (the vomit was solid) only......as I got closer......I see dark pink worms squiggling in it!!! I screamed, grabbed the baby and ran upstairs for safety!!

You see why I hate mornings?

13 April 2010

Heights of Procrastination

Sorry my dear...I have been meaning to add blog entries but simply havent gotten around to it. I told you I have a procrastination problem. Its been 2 years! lol! Well, anyhow if its any consulation I have lotsa stuff to say!!! hmmmm....where shall I start? well....I still end up being that poor random soul who gets approached by the crazies on the street. I still have to ride the crazy 70 bus filled with  teenaged American Idol Wannabes, whinos, screaming babies, dvd/cd salesmen and of course the few normal ppl like me who quietly cling to our purses or briefcases and pray no one sits beside us.....uuuggghhh too late!  Hopefully we get to my stop quickly...