Now I know I make fun of DC a lot but hey the place warrants it! However I love this place...hello! why else would I have stayed here after school? I mean, this place is so vibrant and quirky AND you can literally have the best time of your life for free! Im serious! Being in college in DC has taught me how to be broke and make the most of it. There are a gazillion free things to do: from walking throughout the district, bike riding in the District and there are trails in Rock Creek Park and near the Potomac. You can play softball or frisbee or whatever you want right on the national mall!! If you don't wanna be outside-you can always catch free shows at the Kennedy Center (ballets, musicals etc) and you can join in at one of the many cultural festivals downtown. Don't believe me still??? How much you think I paid to attend this concert you see in the video?
Thats right! I attended a free Jazz Concert! And that was after my free trip to the Smithsonian National Gallery of Art!
Now of course you, my dear fans, also know that I wasn't going to end this blog without a lil bit of silliness. A petite blonde Bette Midler-esque lady sat beside me at the concert and was tooootally drunk. She talked through most of the show (which while annoying was also pretty funny). You can actually hear her a little in the videos. She spoke about everything under the sun-from giving me (uneccessary) dating advice to telling me we are soulmates because her mother and I share the same birthday and her boyfriend and I are both virgos-go figure! She even got up and danced...(mind you this was a dimly lit, sit down on the couch and chill type of concert). Her bf got upset and told her to sit. awww Mindy you are quite the riot!
During an intermission- the jazz vocalist told us a joke:
A priest went fishing, caught a "dam" fish and brought it back home. He then asked the maid to clean the dam fish. She was taken aback by his words, he explained it's a technical term. She brought it to the chef and asked him to cook the dam fish. He said "maam we are by the church, watch your language". She explained it's a technical term as the priest told her. He said ok. At dinner, a young dude hopin to be a priest came by. The priest said to the maid, "bring the the dam fish I caught". The maid turned to the Chef and asked if the dam fish she cleaned was ready". Chef replied "yes, i cooked the dam fish." Young dude shouted "im gonna love workin wid yall motha lovas!"
Haha! Told you DC is crazy fun...Hope you liked my post as much as I liked typing it :)
Thats right! I attended a free Jazz Concert! And that was after my free trip to the Smithsonian National Gallery of Art!
Now of course you, my dear fans, also know that I wasn't going to end this blog without a lil bit of silliness. A petite blonde Bette Midler-esque lady sat beside me at the concert and was tooootally drunk. She talked through most of the show (which while annoying was also pretty funny). You can actually hear her a little in the videos. She spoke about everything under the sun-from giving me (uneccessary) dating advice to telling me we are soulmates because her mother and I share the same birthday and her boyfriend and I are both virgos-go figure! She even got up and danced...(mind you this was a dimly lit, sit down on the couch and chill type of concert). Her bf got upset and told her to sit. awww Mindy you are quite the riot!
During an intermission- the jazz vocalist told us a joke:
A priest went fishing, caught a "dam" fish and brought it back home. He then asked the maid to clean the dam fish. She was taken aback by his words, he explained it's a technical term. She brought it to the chef and asked him to cook the dam fish. He said "maam we are by the church, watch your language". She explained it's a technical term as the priest told her. He said ok. At dinner, a young dude hopin to be a priest came by. The priest said to the maid, "bring the the dam fish I caught". The maid turned to the Chef and asked if the dam fish she cleaned was ready". Chef replied "yes, i cooked the dam fish." Young dude shouted "im gonna love workin wid yall motha lovas!"
Haha! Told you DC is crazy fun...Hope you liked my post as much as I liked typing it :)
This is an awesome blog post!!
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