13 December 2010

Whoa Nelly!!

So much time has gone by guys! Sorry! So much has happened...I don't even know where to start. Heres a quick rundown of the adventures I remember...
hmmm lets see...there was the Halloween celebration. My girls and I dressed as Disney Princesses and had a photo shoot by the Smithsonian Castle in addition to a beer run in Georgetown.

Imagine five seemingly normal young women walking into the museum then re emerging as what you see above! We looked like we were about to sing its a small world lol! In fact tourists kept asking what time our performance was! lol! That was a hilarious day! Detangling wigs on the train, undressing in the museum, trying not to fall in the fountain,and getting rushed out of the bushes by a rent a cop...yea good times.

Of course there was the John Stewart Rally. It was amazing! Soooooooo many people everywhere!...I'm speaking as if I attended the rally! lol! Hey, hey don't get your panties in a bunch! I planned to go but ended up getting called into work last minute.  But I did get to experience tidbits of it-the rallyers (sp?) and I got up close and personal on the overcrowded train. Saw lots of costumes-people dressed as cows, crayons, even saw a lego costume.  A viking ship playing techno music drove down Pennsylvania Ave too. At work, (restaurant job downtown) there was a line of people waiting 45 mins to get onto our 45 minute waiting list. Luckily the bar is near the door so those waiting enjoyed a fear/sanity party while waiting to be seated. We played the rally on the televisions and everyone just drank beer and hung out. I almost lost my voice shouting names on the list (we have no mics or buzzers) so I could seat people but was saved by a customer who let me borrow his megaphone. I loved using that thing! Def a memorable day.

Thanksgiving was awesome! My friends and I had a potluck dinner. Food for ddaaaaayyyyysssssss!!!! Laughter til my belly and face hurt. Jokes all night. Yea I have the coolest friends in the world. By the way the top photo is a section of our bountiful spread and the bottom is the baking pan I used as tupperware and my large cup of soup. I brought it all home and ate for almost a week :)

White Elephant Party- well, the thanksgiving potluck was so nice we had to do it twice!  oooh wait a sec...i was so caught up in the evening I forgot to take pics of this one! lol! oh well, just know that a great time was had by all ten of us. It was our first time playing white elephant and the presents ranged from a harmonica to a  crayon shaped piggy bank to body souffle and a book "joy of sex". lol! quite a range huh?

Well, that's all for now folks!


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