10 February 2011

Arabia meets Georgia Ave

A great friend of mine invited me to attend a pre-screening of the documentary, Arabia 3D, in the Museum of Natural History. While on my lunch break from work, I visited House of Kabob in Dupont. The above plate was only $7.10!! So much food, no waiting for it to be given to me, it tasted great and it was cheap. This place is def a winner in my book.

Anyways after work, I met up with my friend at the museum and I enjoyed the film. It was excellent! I felt as  though I visited it myself. The sand seemed as if it was right within reach. The effects, graphics, transitions, entire cinematography was on point. The material was informative yet entertaining, the artist definitely achieved his goal. Go see it, if you can!

After the film and our great middle eastern dinner (gotta keep the theme goin!) we took the good ol 70 bus uptown. Remember my previous gripes about this damn bus? There was a nut case in front of me and one behind me. The one in front happens to be the woman in the center background of my photo above. These two young innocent ladies in the photo sat between her and I. below is the dialogue that ensued:
Chick to the left is chick 1 and one to the right is chick 2. The crazy lady is Elmo.

Chick 1 goes on about the bus driver flirting with her...Chick 2 jokingly tells her to tap that, chick 1 of course laughs and is like hell no. Elmo enters the scene.

Elmo: "blababababwehdefhugfybbendkhdxlhefgwefnkg!! aaaagbiwegfkeuberkygfnkegflkgurgfbkuhk!!!!"(shouting gibberish like the tasmanian devil at Chick1)
Chick1: "oh my god why the fuck did i come on this bus?"
Elmo looks at her in utter disgust and says: "bdfgksnufkufgtdkjrg.mldhhk,jkhik!!! dukfhkdnhgdfhkjgfj,vhkjmhrjk!!! dkufhukjgjrfhnfgdfkjgdngkgjjh!!! dgfefghkm,hjltjkjbkm,!!!"
Chick 2, my friend and I laugh sooo hard we couldn't breathe.
Chick1: "can we move to the back?"
Chick2: "no! we gotta stay here"
Chick1: "oh c'mon! we can take the train, look there's the stop!"
Elmo: "bsdlfhefihnukfthfkyvuk!!!! dkfgrukngteruvhrklhrhl!!"
Crazy man sittin behind me: "Yall done did it now! she put the ghost on you!"
(Crazy man continues talking foolishness but we were laughing so hard, its inaudible at this point)
Chick2: "no, the bus gets us much closer than the train, you know that"
Elmo: "wkehnrjchgtcjhvjvvhm,jghkghm,kjhmfkjnmkjhbghmhhk,jhmgjhfjhg,jhmjmjmjjgjfgnbghjn,jb,j" 
Chick1: "come oooonnn!"
Chick2: "nope" (struggling to keep a stern voice)
Elmo: "kfugdufgnughrihvlimvhill!!!!" "dfugkhfgvkfjngkhn!!" "kdugfberhgejgefgrejgnrmgrngbrjgbmjgrnmgru!" "kuehnukwehncrhjrghrkrmgk,hm,kfhgmfjnrgvjhfkjghfmkjhkghghmfkghkhnkfnhmkfhkvhkmhvrihthrth!!!"
We are all in stitches laughing so damn hard!!
Chick1: "wtf! I'm one of the only 3 white people on this bus AND i'm standing while everyone's sitting. Fuckin Elmo over here hates me and everyone's staring. So fucking transparent. Its just a big fuckin show!"
We all laugh sooooo much harder at this point!! Tears are streaming down my face now. She notices, laughs and fans my face for me to get some air.
Elmo: "bdfuwrngfukcr,hmu!!" "eurnhfu,jnh!"
The Chicks start saying a photo needs to be snapped. In between laughs, I tell em I got it and pull my phone out to snap the photo you see above.

We finally calm down and Elmo exits stage right err I mean gets off the bus. The chicks and I talk and realize we are all from New England and they tell me they want to start a blog about DC life. I told em I already have one and they will def get featured next! Hopefully they see this! I don't even know if this post captures the hilarity but hey I tried!


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