13 December 2010

Whoa Nelly!!

So much time has gone by guys! Sorry! So much has happened...I don't even know where to start. Heres a quick rundown of the adventures I remember...
hmmm lets see...there was the Halloween celebration. My girls and I dressed as Disney Princesses and had a photo shoot by the Smithsonian Castle in addition to a beer run in Georgetown.

Imagine five seemingly normal young women walking into the museum then re emerging as what you see above! We looked like we were about to sing its a small world lol! In fact tourists kept asking what time our performance was! lol! That was a hilarious day! Detangling wigs on the train, undressing in the museum, trying not to fall in the fountain,and getting rushed out of the bushes by a rent a cop...yea good times.

Of course there was the John Stewart Rally. It was amazing! Soooooooo many people everywhere!...I'm speaking as if I attended the rally! lol! Hey, hey don't get your panties in a bunch! I planned to go but ended up getting called into work last minute.  But I did get to experience tidbits of it-the rallyers (sp?) and I got up close and personal on the overcrowded train. Saw lots of costumes-people dressed as cows, crayons, even saw a lego costume.  A viking ship playing techno music drove down Pennsylvania Ave too. At work, (restaurant job downtown) there was a line of people waiting 45 mins to get onto our 45 minute waiting list. Luckily the bar is near the door so those waiting enjoyed a fear/sanity party while waiting to be seated. We played the rally on the televisions and everyone just drank beer and hung out. I almost lost my voice shouting names on the list (we have no mics or buzzers) so I could seat people but was saved by a customer who let me borrow his megaphone. I loved using that thing! Def a memorable day.

Thanksgiving was awesome! My friends and I had a potluck dinner. Food for ddaaaaayyyyysssssss!!!! Laughter til my belly and face hurt. Jokes all night. Yea I have the coolest friends in the world. By the way the top photo is a section of our bountiful spread and the bottom is the baking pan I used as tupperware and my large cup of soup. I brought it all home and ate for almost a week :)

White Elephant Party- well, the thanksgiving potluck was so nice we had to do it twice!  oooh wait a sec...i was so caught up in the evening I forgot to take pics of this one! lol! oh well, just know that a great time was had by all ten of us. It was our first time playing white elephant and the presents ranged from a harmonica to a  crayon shaped piggy bank to body souffle and a book "joy of sex". lol! quite a range huh?

Well, that's all for now folks!

16 October 2010

Community Love

As you already know I love DC though I hate it sometimes...overall I love it. I also love my fellow man so whenever I get a chance, I do community service. Two recent activities included participating in the Aids Walk. I got to join my fellow Bison (u knoooowwww!!), raise funds and walk for a great cause. It was pretty fun and I definitely look forward to next year. We got there pretty early in the morning, and were greeted by many smiling faces. We warmed up with the "DC Cowboys?" I think they are called...and grooved to some great music then walked our hearts out. There were many cheerleaders along the way to keep us pumped and at the end we were entertained by dance performances. Although we had a blast, we do hope that HIV/AIDS gets stomped out.

I also had the honor of assisting at an after school program- after they finished their homework, we played games like pictionary and mancala :) I also served them supper. It was an awesome experience! I totally love kids and as you already konw-im a kid magnet so this totally worked well.

Arlington: The Rap

Metro Song

I absolutely love this!! It totally sums up my daily metro ordeal. hahaha!!

14 October 2010


Columbus weekend was filled with many adventures!! I partied it up at a Nigerian party in Adams Morgan, watched a idiot wild out in jumbo slice (after I got my pizza thank God), stopped by my fave hole in the wall-Timehri to get my reggae fix, did a late night run from HU campus to the diner for some pancakes (literally jogged there), slept in late and....the grand finale....went to the GORILLAZ concert!!! It was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! (not enough exclamation points to show how cool it was) N.E.R.D opened the show, then Snoop performed via satellite, Bobby Womack, Mos Def, Kano, Damon Albarn and Bashy and GORILLAZ (cant do it without caps)! lol!

During Pharell's performance, there were some dudes in the front who were rockin out hardcore even to the slower songs. They pushed the chairs around and everything...they even threw their shirts onstage. Pharell was not pleased. He gave them a look (you know the one, the look that says WTH?) lol!

But yea, it was an awesome night overall and above is a video clip from my phone.

Below is a videoclip from Kano's camcorder, he brought onstage. I got it from Youtube.

06 October 2010

Ur goin a lil crazy....and its ok

Ever felt like your day has been so bad or boring you wanna hop on a plane right now? Need to just get away?
 We all feel this way sometimes...I have had some friends say they feel this way and well I do sometimes too. You wanna know what I do when I feel like this? I leave. I hop on a cheap china bus to New York and see my family or I go to a friend's house and chill.

On the days when i'm either broke or dont wanna see or speak to another human being...I put my cellphone on silent (keywords here, take notes--your phone must go off or silenced to achieve peace). Don't worry it's only off for a few hours til you feel a lil less crazy. And I TAKE A WALK.

Simply walking alone in silence with no real destination in mind...just looking at all that's around you, engulfing yourself in the moment no thought concerning your past or future...or present. Just walk.

If you're not a walker:
  • Stay home and watch tv/surf the net/be lazy simply cuz you can
  • Excercise
  • Read a book you've been meaning to
  • Go get your hair/nails/eyebrows done (or do it yourself)
  • Write a bucket list and,on there, create one thing you can do right now
  • Write about a magical place you would rather be than here (sounds corny but it works)
  • Clean/redecorate/reorganize your living space
  • Clean up your computer/email inbox
  • Take yourself on a date with yourself (im serious) (movies, dinner, the works)
  • Pray to whoever you believe in and trust them.
Remember you're crazy just like everyone else so dont feel bad. Theres no such thing as normal. We all have bad days and well, now you have ideas of what to do.

27 September 2010

My Artwork

Some artists use paint and canvasses. Others use clay and water. Some spend days at the theatre in costumes. Some are in recording studios singing or rapping their hearts out. Yet still there are those who put on tutus and leap across the stage. And then there are artists like me who write and film and create videos for everyone to see. Above, you will see a documentary film I created which explores the definition of and relation between Caribbean and Caribbean American Identity. Unfortunately...the conversion of it downplayed the awesome editing I did (I dont like the way my transitions look on here) but then again I always overanalyze and end up rambling on like I am doing now...sorry! Enjoy!

26 September 2010

Kayaking in Georgetown

As a continuation of my birthday festivities, I spent the night (friday) partying it up at Muse Lounge then the  saturday afternoon calmly kayaking on the Potomac with a few lovely friends :)

We claimed land and pretended to be explorers on a mini island nearby, took awesome photos, collected sea shells and made our way back to the "main land" (boat house dock).

The main land had a plethora of meal choices to take advantage of, as we were pretty hungry once docked. Decided on Chadwicks since it was closest to the boat house and of course it was HAPPY HOUR! The food/drinks were prreeetttyyyy good. We had sliders, wings, fries...you know, all the good greasy stuff.

21 September 2010


Ok so its time to get you up to speed! I turned 24 yesterday! Yes thats right- the big 2-4! Im so happy :)

The friday beforehand-I had breakfast and played bingo with a friend. There were (go figure!) many senior citizens in attendance. All I can say is do not mess with seniors and their bingo.  I asked a couple questions during the game and they were NOT pleased. haha! I swear someones head was about to turn around like in the Exorcist movie.

 Plus there were a million versions of bingo I never saw before. Who knew it was so complicated? There's cross, kite, 4square, 6square, whole card, picture frame, lightning...i cant even remember the rest. Unfortunately I didnt even win a game :(  But it was definitely a fun experience.

 I went to dinner with a few friends later at Macaroni Grill in Silver Springs. The service was so-so but the food was delicious and portions were hearty. I ended the evening on U street at a lil spot dancing the night away with my friends :)

Saturday-I watched Batala perform, and cleaned my house before mom arrived. Batala is an awesome all female percussion band known internationally. I will def join it as soon as spots open up! I tried to include a video at the end of the post buuttt there are tech issues. So here's a photo instead.

Mommy came! We had tons of fun together all weekend. I got to give my mommy a tour of DC, shopped til we dropped, watched a movie and just sat in bed talking and laughing.

Next up on the bday celebration list is a party friday night at Muse Lounge and then kayaking in Georgetown. Stay tuned folks!!

15 September 2010

Zest for Life!!

  I'm totally loving life right now. Ever woke up and its like your on the best side of the bed possible? The sun seems brighter, you feel super sexy and you're just really happy? I have my bills in order even though my bank account is coughing, my hair is doing what I want it to, my clothes didnt need ironing (i hate irons)... My bday is also around the corner. I've taken more of my awesome long walks through the District, had sushi with the girls in Dupoint, Indian brunch with the girls in Chinatown and also learned to cook Pho Soup and egg rolls!! Oh yea I also attended Georgetown's Fashion Night Out :) Fashion Night Out was awesome! We strolled through the cobblestone streets and watched live mannequins pose in the stores. We were treated to some great techno music and there were drinks! Who can argue with a night of discounts on hot fashion, warm weather and music!

08 September 2010

Part of the DC I See!

Every so often, I stroll through the District and it hasn't gotten old for me thus far...

07 September 2010


Now I know I make fun of DC a lot but hey the place warrants it! However I love this place...hello! why else would I have stayed here after school? I mean, this place is so vibrant and quirky AND you can literally have the best time of your life for free! Im serious! Being in college in DC has taught me how to be broke and make the most of it. There are a gazillion free things to do: from walking throughout the district, bike riding in the District and there are trails in Rock Creek Park and near the Potomac. You can play softball or frisbee or whatever you want right on the national mall!! If you don't wanna be outside-you can always catch free shows at the Kennedy Center (ballets, musicals etc) and you can join in at one of the many cultural festivals downtown. Don't believe me still??? How much you think I paid to attend this concert you see in the video?

Thats right! I attended a free Jazz Concert! And that was after my free trip to the Smithsonian National Gallery of Art!

Now of course you, my dear fans, also know that I wasn't going to end this blog without a lil bit of silliness. A petite blonde Bette Midler-esque lady sat beside me at the concert and was tooootally drunk. She talked through most of the show (which while annoying was also pretty funny). You can actually hear her a little in the videos. She spoke about everything under the sun-from giving me (uneccessary) dating advice to telling me we are soulmates because her mother and I share the same birthday and her boyfriend and I are both virgos-go figure! She even got up and danced...(mind you this was a dimly lit, sit down on the couch and chill type of concert). Her bf got upset and told her to sit. awww Mindy you are quite the riot!
During an intermission- the jazz vocalist told us a joke:
A priest went fishing, caught a "dam" fish and brought it back home. He then asked the maid to clean the dam fish. She was taken aback by his words, he explained it's a technical term. She brought it to the chef and asked him to cook the dam fish. He said "maam we are by the church, watch your language". She explained it's a technical term as the priest told her. He said ok. At dinner, a young dude hopin to be a priest came by. The priest said  to the maid, "bring the the dam fish I caught". The maid turned to the Chef and asked if the dam fish she cleaned was ready". Chef replied "yes, i cooked the dam fish." Young dude shouted "im gonna love workin wid yall motha lovas!"

Haha! Told you DC is crazy fun...Hope you liked my post as much as I liked typing it :)

01 September 2010

Police: Gunman inside Discovery building - wtop.com

Police: Gunman inside Discovery building - wtop.com

I hope and pray that everyone is okay. As humans we always have a notion that we are safe because we have so many protective forces but the honest truth is we are just as vulnerable as anyone in any other place. Let's not take life for granted.

Its really sad that this happened and quite a strange event for a tv production company. My heart goes out to all who were affected and kudos to the security forces who ended the hostage situation.

I only hope nothing like this ever happens again.

BTW if you dont know what incident I'm referring to, feel free to click on the subtitle above, its a link to the news articles.

17 August 2010

I went to a Go-Go

Go-Go has made very little headway (2 songs) in popularity nationwide with a song by Chuck Brown-Doin the Butt and Amerie's Just One Thing. (youtube it) however its very huge in DC.
Back in undergrad I, like most savvy college kids, hopped on (legal) chances to make money. I got a gig as an extra in a DC Lottery commercial and the concept was to pretend we were at a Go-Go.

Imagine being only 18, you're still new to the DC scene and have barely left your college campus in the couple months you've been there. You somehow manage to get a gig as an extra in a lottery commercial. You google map how to get to the venue, throw on your flyest outfit  cuz ur gonna be in a commercial and head through the door.  You arrive at the nightclub its supposed to be shot at on time, wondering exactly what you will be doing as you quietly stand on the sideline waiting to begin doing whatever it is...a little anxious, curious and most definitely excited. You notice there is a large crowd of older (emphasis on older) folks. Its clear you are the youngest person there (whomp whomp). A person gets on the stage and tells everyone to crowd around the stage and start applauding and dancing as soon as the music begins. Hmmm you wonder what kind of music will it be? You wonder if its a celebrity you know of... All of a sudden an old man in a cool hat and sunglasses (Chuck Brown) and his band gathers on the stage and start to perform. People are cheering all around you. The music begins and its deafeningly loud. The drums and the brass are just going and there doesnt seem to be a consistent beat or rhythm. The crowd around you starts stomping and rocking all around you, loving every second of it. You are hearing this music for the first time and really dont know how to move to it. You are toooootally confused. But of course you're in the middle of the crowd and cant escape just yet. So you suck it up and try to keep up! Mimicking everyone around you until the Director tells you to stop.

After a long interesting day I returned to my dorm, tired but quite entertained by my new DC experience.

Needless to say...when I first heard it-I hated it and was quite confused but now it has grown on me. I like a couple songs: Sexy Lady, Pretty Girls, and the one below by a group called Mambo Sauce (i'll have to explain what that is to you later). So even though I probably wouldn't go to a "go-go" again, I do have a better appreciation for the music genre. Enjoy the video below!

14 August 2010

Food! Glorious Food!

Rice stir fried in curry sauce with vegetables (made by me) and Crab Wontons (bought)
Pizza!!! olives, artichokes, and ham!!
My creation! Scalloped potatoes and turkey chops with corn, diced peppers and diced tomatoes
One of my fave past times-eating!
Anyone who doesn't know me would think I was pregnant. However if that was the case I would have been pregnant for the past 23 years of my life! I love food and what can i say? I have cravings all the time...like this morning I craved eggs and cheese and giant fluffy waffles. The best waffles I have ever had were from my alma mater. Howard U has amazing waffles in the caf. They make them for you nice and fresh, per request, on that huge stainless steel waffle iron complete with the HU monogram in the center. Right now however-I REALLY REALLY want some Georgetown Cupcakes. I love them! I've eaten em twice. The red velvet is great and that yellow one with the cream cheese is good too! mmmmm would so love a box right now!

While on the subject of cravings...know what else is good? Philly cheese steaks in Philly! lol! Random I know but I went there back in 2002 (8 yrs ago). I had only half of one and I'm telling you-the deliciousness has imprinted itself in my memory.

Another great thing to do is to eat in the southern Italian section of Boston! Had the best pizza there! It had sausage, pepperoni, onion, mushroom, green peppers, olives(the works!) The best cheese pizza Ive ever had? That was at the Pizza Hut in Kingston, Jamaica. Its right by my grandma's house and boy is it good!

Another great pizza stop-jumbo slice in Adams Morgan. I love stopping there after a night of partying and indulging in the gigantic greasy pie. If you're partying on U street-head to Ben's Chili Bowl! You can thank me later :)
I'm a total foodie!

12 August 2010

Bittersweet Rain Storm

Sorry its so long but trust me, its entertaining....

Woke up this morning, it was sunny and nice. I went to shower (fast forward)stepped out of the tub, heard a loud bang! My house was pitch black and so was outside...I slowly made my way to find the light switch, all the while,praying I wouldn't bump into anyone and drop my towel (u know how my luck is). I got to the switch and the light came on for a minute then all power went out. Forced to get dressed by cellphone light-I decided its a jeans n hoodie type of day. I stuffed my feet into my trusty rain boots and left. Rushing to the metro station, I realized my feet hurt but ignored it and kept sloshing through the puddles.

(fast forward) I got into the office elevator and I hit the button over and over...no movement! I took a deep breath, got off and told the security by the door. No help. Agitated and running low on time, I took the stairs (my first time ever in this place so it was a little confusing). My boots were now killing me so I stopped and looked to see-they were on the wrong foot! Stupid black out! But I couldn't fix it, I needed to get to my desk. I found the office suite door. I rummaged through my purse and didn't find my office key!  I knocked on the door and pressed the door bell-NO HELP! Defeated I trudged up the stairs with my sore feet....The lobby was empty. I asked the parking attendant outside for help-apparently, he doesn't speak English.

I looked around the parking lot and alas! The janitor was on a cigarette break! I ran to him and asked him to let me in to my office. Even though I hate cigarettes, today I am VERY glad someone smokes!

03 August 2010

2012 and Bed Bugs

I was in the metro station waiting for my train home. I noticed a group of young hooligans on one side of the platform and a lil ol lady on the other. Naturally, I decided to wait near the old lady.
Sitting on the bench in silence...

"I was in lock down you know?!". Silence is broken. Not wanting to egg her on, I quietly stare at the train tracks. "yes girl I was in lock down mhm n I just got out. They had them some bed bugs too. I was glad when I left. I can do whatever I want. Go where I want, when I want." (I pray for God to send my train. I look at the monitor it says 12 more minutes.)

"2012, thats the year. You know whats gonna happen?" She pauses for me to respond...(not wantin to piss her off, I answer) "umm no, no I dont." "Well lemme tell you girl, the planets are gonna line up. On one side of earth we gonna freeze and the other half gonna blow up." (oh dear god. where is my train??) " you should research it for me. find out the day and come report it to me" (train get over here now!!). Desperate to shut her up without upsetting her, I compliment her. "you know what? Im not as smart as you. clearly you already know whats gonna happen in 2012, why dont YOU go and find out the day?" (im a genius! She smiled) "yeaaaaaa u right... imma do that" (train pulls up, thank you jesus!)

I wait and see what train car she gets on and hop on a different one.

28 July 2010

Have You Ever?

Have you ever had one of those days when it feels like the entire circle of life is against you?! 

 Yesterday as I rode the train to work... Splat! My lunch spilled on my lap.

Today I decided to just buy my  lunch instead. Happy to find an empty seat, I sat down on the train. "Excuse me miss, its wet." a lady says to me... I hop up and of course my butt is soaked...oh sigh...

24 July 2010


Ever felt like you were spending money for nothing? Exactly how I feel right now.

August 1st, we will experience the THIRD metro fare hike for the year. I find it funny how with all this money being shelled out, we still have the same issues: trains delayed, malfunctions, lack of air conditioning , over crowded cars, leaky roofs, broken escalators and elevators, fare cards deactivated by cellphones. It's a mess!

You would think the reason they enact these fare hikes is to eliminate these problems, right? That WOULD be the sensible thing. However, after the second fare hike...the issues have remained the same and well, in some cases, have gotten worse. Why am I paying more money? I already spend thirty dollars a week on the metro system, as of next week I will pay more and I am unhappy with the service provided. I have tried the whole taxi thing however not only is it more expensive, but cabs are few and far between in the District. Driving a car? makes no sense in the district because well, there is no where to park it and hey i'm tryna save money here. (sigh)

Dear Metro,

I remember a time when things were great between us. Somehow, someway it all got screwed up. Can we please get back to that place? Can we heal this relationship? Are you capable of getting your self together? Please say yes.

your favorite patron

15 July 2010


So as far as DC politics go, I'm not fond of Fenty or Gray. So I have decided not to bother voting this time around cuz well if I don't like anyone...narrowing it down to the lesser of evils isn't a good idea either cuz well i'd still be voting for a person I don't believe in.

I know about the women's suffrage and the civil rights era. They did what they did so I can have the right to vote; the actual CHOICE. They didn't fight for me to be forced to vote.

So anyway, back to my story:
I have dodged the annoying Fenty canvassers for days but one got me. Doh! I was walking down the street and I saw them coming. I sped up and held my head straight avoiding eye contact (thats how they get you). One called out to me, I ignored. He proceeded to follow me. Lo and behold Adrian Fenty himself comes walking up from a different direction and they corner me. Not gonna lie, he's kinda cute so I smiled at him and ended up writing my name on the sheet (standing there in a daze as he smiled at me). He put a sticker on me and walked away.

13 July 2010

Rain Boots

So the weather man kept saying that it would rain last week. I carried my trusty new rainboots with me everywhere I went. No rain fell. Yesterday I left them at home (tired of carrying them). It rained. It poured. Like a hurricane. I was in sandals. Its supposed to rain today too...guess who's boots are still nice and cozy at home?

07 July 2010

Dance! Dance!

Today I had my first dance class in eight years! It was sooo fun! I'm totally outta shape and gotta work a lil harder than I used to but that's okay. I used to study Ballet and Modern American dance (Martha Graham technique). Now I'm in a Modern Jamaican Folk Dance Class (kumina/kukuya (spelling?)). Big difference.

This is the beginning of yet another journey for me, as it not only teaches me discipline, and fitness but reconnects me to the arts and teaches me more about where I came from.

Quite a mouthful huh? lol oh sigh well now im laying in bed after a seriously long shower...gonna go pack my bags and get ready for tomorrow...

Nightie Night!

The 4th!

Living in Dc so many years has def taught me a couple things, one of them is to get the hell outta here when its Independence Day! lol! Waaayyyyy more annoying tourists than usual! There is just so much traffic and congestion everywhere.

This year I went to a beach in Delaware with a few friends (well about 5 or 6 carloads of  friends). We left early in the morning, the weather wasn't so hot (in the 80s), and cruised on up there. No traffic at all, very scenic routes- lotsa farm land. The drive there and back were very pleasant.

The beach itself was wonderful! I thoroughly enjoyed myself! Took lots of pics, played in the water, lay on the sand and chit chat with my girlies and collected quite an impressive number of sea shells. Sigh, oh how I wish I could relive that day....

28 June 2010

Alley Cat

Ok so maybe i'm crazy but this situation creeped me out. I figure this character is a socially awkward person who may have been trying to hit on me...or a psycho who was hoping to kill me and eat my eyeballs for dinner....either way...it was creepy.

Heading home, after a long day at work, I picked up a couple  groceries.Walking home with my bags...I heard the man behind me whistling a tune.  I continued walking, not paying any attention to it. He asked to help me with my bags, I politely declined.

He asked where I was coming from. Not in the mood for talking, I wondered whether or not the groceries gave any clue as to where I was. I simply muttered "work". He commented that I must've had a long day and its so hot outside, surely I should want help. I told him no. He insisted it would be his pleasure to help and "he thinks we are walking the same way anyway". Feeling like I might be too mean and he was right, it was hot and I was tired....I said ok and handed him a bag. He went on to ask if I take the alley home. I said no, only main roads. He explained that I should because its faster. I told him no. He laughed and started to walk towards the alley with my bag. Infuriated, I told him to stop right now and hand me my bag. He stopped in his tracks, looked at me, handed me back my bag and said "next time I'll get you earlier" and winked.

oh sigh apparently the freaks come out in the day too...

27 June 2010

Live in the City

My carnival weekend began with my bestest bud in the world traveling to hang out with me :) I spent her first day with her in Georgetown. We toured the whole place from the waterfront to the bridal shop (she's engaged by the way).

Then my cousin joined us for lunch at Olley's Trolley in Chinatown/Metro Center. Olley's Trolley is a cute little vintage burger joint where you can enjoy a plethora of hot sandwiches, greasy well seasoned fries and a mean fruit punch! Its decorated with many cool antiques such as a horse statue from a carousel.

We wrapped up the perfect day with a Machel Montano stage show at RFK stadium. It was greeaatttt :) hahahaha


DC CARNIVAL WAS GREEAAATTT!!!! I had soooo much fun! Covered in paint and a lil mud, dancin down the road. Not a care in the world; just smiling in the sun. Ended the parade with a curry goat roti in Banneker park wid my girlies and some ice cold water. Food was devoured in 0.3 seconds! lol

Still oh so tired, I took my painted self on the metro and went home. Struck up some good convos about carnival weekend with some cool passengers along the way. Once home--took the longest shower in the world!!! It felt so good I thanked God for water when I came out. (not lying) And then I passed out in my bed. ahhhh twas a great day indeed...my  age is revealing itself though- my whole body is tired and achy...as for my feet-they've def seen better days! lol but it was SO worth it.

18 June 2010


My usual morning commute includes the wild race in the DC Metro system at rush hour. Hoards of sleepy people dragging their feet, and the few people (like me) maneuvering our way past them and onto the train. Unfortunately at some point between my two train rides, my wallet disappeared. There was the usual pushing and running and being stuffed into crowded train cars as any other day. Not particularly sure what went wrong. I  told the station manager at my final train exit. He alerted the authorities and I called my bank and credit card companies and had all my cards canceled. I'm a lil annoyed but not really upset about it...if a person did indeed rob me they didn't benefit. I only had ten bucks in there and everything else that was in there is pretty much useless since I made my phone calls... Now I must wait for my mom to send me a copy of my birth certificate so I can fix my life...

What A Beach!!

Sorry i'm taking so long to write lately, life has gotten a lil busier for me. Any how, i'm sure your entertainment caused by my silly adventures/misadventures more than makes up for it. So last weekend was my friend's...lets call her Licious...birthday. She requested that a bunch of us celebrate her bday by spending the day at Virginia Beach. Little did we know...what lay ahead....

I swear the beach isn't even on planet Earth! We drove forever and a day!!! We hit sooo much traffic, its really not even slightly believable. The a/c in the car was broken and unfortunately rolling down the windows only produced more heat...sigh...I  couldn't tell whether I fell asleep or fainted from heat exhaustion...

HOWEVER, I must admit that not only did we have an amazing driver who did her best to get us there quickly and safely but we also had a BLAST once we got to the beach! OMG! It was soooo fun! I loved it! We jumped around in the water as the waves crashed into us, knocking us over. We sat around on our towels, drank some brewskies, painted our nails and joked around. We also played soccer on the sand and watched a kiddie beach volleyball tournament. It was the most fun I have had in a while.

The Ride Back...
The ride back was um crazy....for lack of better words. Everyone including our driver was dead tired, no joke. So as she drove, she decided to pull over and take a power nap at a gas station parking lot.  I woke up to my friends screaming, bright lights flooding the car and our driver speeding and making a wild u turn in the street. I asked what happened. Apparently a man in a red pick up truck parked beside us in the lot and watched us sleep. Now he was tailgating us with his high beam lights on. I. was. scared. He revved his engine and sped up to our rear as if he was going to hit us but didn't. We turned and he turned, we sped up, he sped up. We went on the highway, he went on the highway. Luckily after some time had passed, he exited. The rest of the drive was thankfully uneventful. Once, home, all I could do was collapse on the bed. Making it back home felt oh so good.

I Won The Lunch Lottery!

Yesterday at lunch, I found a penny in my chili fries.I got em at a place called hard times cafe...go figure!

03 June 2010

Emergency Room

I had a bad allergic reaction recently.  Unfortunately the closest hospital for me is located en el "ghetto", I walked in, and took up the paperwork to get registered...the secretary handed me a pencil. He ran out of pens.So I took a seat close to the television but away from the strangers in the waiting room. Quite contentedly watching the Lady Gaga interview on Larry King Live...I get interrupted. A young fool has decided to try to woo me. 
If I could have taken a picture of him or videotaped him without getting into trouble...trust me I would have, and added it to this blog entry. He is wearing plaid long shorts sagged to show off his briefs (not even boxers), sunglasses (its 9pm, mind you),  an over sized Hawaiian print shirt which he left unbuttoned to reveal his chest, black boots with white socks protruding at the ankle. He also wore a black felt hat with a feather in the brim. Are you picturing it in your head yet? Yea it was quite a sight.  As he stood in front of me smiling, I refused to acknowledge his presence. I was way too sick to care to deal with him.  He proceeded to sit in the seat facing me and started to sing. He sounded like a car dying. He sang the same line over and over for about twenty minutes before his eye caught another woman to prey on. Thank God! He ran over to her and sang the same thing again "wait til i touch that body girl ummmhmmm...." he just sings that same line over and over! She laughed and he decided to do a lil dance routine....youtube worthy...a crazy mixture of a wanna be breakdance, temptations-esque dip n twirl and only god knows what else. The security guard clearly grew tired of the torture and told him to sit down and be quiet. What a relief!

23 May 2010


Sooo earlier this week, I went to my usual salon to see my usual stylist to get my routine haircare. I call in the morning when I wake up to make sure she is there that day and all is well for me to see her later. Guess what happened? I got there and she wasn't there. Had to run an errand and would be back for at least twenty minutes but I didnt have time to spare. I had to be at work in two hours and it takes about that much time to relax, wash, treat, trim, flat iron and style my hair. Oh sigh. I couldnt go to work with the lion's mane I had on my head either sooo I went ahead and let another stylist work on it. I was so nervous, I literally teared up. I am very sensitive when it comes to my hair, one screw up and I will hate you for life. It is my hair, it is on my head, it frames my face, it HAS to be on point! She started to relax it and mid relaxer, she asks if I have ever had jerri curls....I knew right then I was doomed. Jerri curl? Its 2010, what does a jerri curl have to do with anything?  (thats what I thought, but what I actually said was no I dont have them nor have I ever and I dont want them, thank you). My hands began to shake because that question solidified that she was gonna screw up my hair! Lucky for me, my stylist came running through the door and I hopped out of that chair and told the lady bye. I couldnt have been happier :)

Apartment Hunting

Have you ever hunted for a place to live in DC? It is QUITE the experience! Here are some facts to consider:
1. At the time I was fresh outta college and just as broke as I was in college
2. Didn't really have much furniture (well....any actually. I sold it n that's another story, don't ask)
3. Didn't have a car so need it to be metro accessible
4. I was on crutches because I sprained my knee (yes it is possible) ( I slipped on ice)

These facts are quite limiting for apartment hunting especially in DC. So of course, it turned out to be quite the adventure. I ended up using the evil site known as Craigslist for help in addition to various other sites. I viewed  maybe twenty places and fifteen of the twenty were umm lets say "set ups". In honor of keeping this short, we'll discuss the craziest ones only.

Here's the one that came in second place for the crazy award--A woman advertised for a roommate for a two bedroom. Once I got there it was a one bedroom, she put her bed in the living room and told me I could take the bedroom. She also said that I would pay the rent and she would cover the utilities....how that seems logical is beyond me. I politely declined and left.

The one that came in first place is:
 A man in the middle of northeast who told me its about 400 a month for me to rent a room in one of the houses he owns...lets call him Captain Bob. Captain Bob told me his place is metro accessible, affordable and furnished.

First of all the train station is no where near the house! I had to take a 20 minute bus ride to the house after getting off the train AND walk a few blocks. Already feelin salty, I called him once I got to the cross streets he suggested. When I called, he told me he was in the grocery across the street from where I stood. So of course I hobble over on my crutches to the "grocery" which is actually a liquor store. I kid you not. Once I got there, he came out and met me and we went up the road to the property. Fast forward....we are now inside and the first thing I see is that there is a large living room with a bed, couch, desk and make shift closet in it. I ask why its there and he says that its his room but not to worry because he sleeps hard so I don't have to worry about waking him as I walk by. (the only way to enter/exit the house is to pass his bed). Just for kicks, I ask if he would put up a curtain or some sort of divider for privacy. He scratches his head, wrinkles his nose and replies ummm yea I guess I can do that.

Stifling my laughter, I proceed to view the rest of the house (just for the sake of it, I traveled so far you know?) The stairs are high and narrow with no type of railing or wall for safety. The floors are wooden and painted a fire engine red everywhere. The upsatirs hall is so narrow, I couldnt keep my crutches on to walk through and there are three bedrooms all of which use wooden slat closet doors as the bedroom door. The man couldn't even put in real doors! I step into the bedroom and its so small, If I sneeze, I'd hit my head on the next wall. (I swear!) The floor in the room shook when I stepped on it and trust me im a very tiny woman so nothing in this world shakes when I step usually. I turn to leave and he tells me that if I move in, my rent will increase after my first three months. I just looked at him and said good bye. I walked outside and called a cab immediately.

My search as you can see was no picnic but I survived and now live happily in a decent abode.

20 May 2010


Standing in an Adams Morgan bar, waiting for my crew to arrive, I received a terrible phone call. One of my friends was just robbed! I left the bar and went to meet up with her. Luckily, she wasn't injured, and as we sat together, she told the story:

 We were to have a girls night out in Adams Morgan and she stopped at CVS to pick up something. Walking from the car to the store, passed a couple teenage boys, only for one to grab her purse. She grabbed it back but he held her down and grabbed it again. They fought back and forth, she called for help and eventually he seized the purse. He and his comrades ran off. Alas, the store security guard appears, aloof as can be, and she tells him she was robbed and they are getting away. He goes down the street to look for them (not even running, but walking). Surprisingly enough, he  failed to capture them. When the DC police arrived they assessed the situation and asked for a detailed description. While asking what the guy looked like, the cop asked if the culprit had "good hair". Why oh why must this officer show his ignorance? (sigh) He then proceeded to call her the wrong name (several times) despite her corrections. After the frustrating interview, several police officers gathered and stood around talking. They didn't search the streets or nearby alley for her purse or the thief nor did they escort her back to the car.

Living in a metropolitan area clearly has its perks as well as downfalls. Yes, we enjoy the benefits of a rich culture due to our diverse population, and seemingly faster paced lifestyle but we are faced at times with a higher likelihood of being a victim to crime. Unfortunately this may also yield a somewhat desensitized police force. (sigh) Not to knock the good cops out there but there are certain seeds out there...

Im very aware there are some awesome cops out there who do their job well ( I happen to know a couple) but there are some like the ones my poor friend had to deal with who don't seem to care.

18 May 2010

Bah Humbug

Today I gave in to a terrible temptation. The social city game app on facebook has morphed into a game where in order to achieve higher levels....you have to spend money. I don't particularly mind spending to have fun but when there are so many fun things you can do for free.....why bother? So what did I do wrong? you guessed it, I spent twenty bucks and went up three levels in a day. It felt great to have new buildings and factories and finally get closer to the highest level......but I refuse to do it again. This app is about to lose me...well maybe I should stay a lil bit longer and make my twenty worth it....

03 May 2010

A View of Georgia Avenue

Close your eyes and imagine...hot humid weather with a barely there breeze, sirens blaring, dirt blowin on the street as if we're in a old western, Ethiopian cab drivers asking YOU for directions, mormons in black suits on bicycles, hood rats in clown clothes struttin like theyre on the runway, hispanic old men makin kissy faces at u, ppl yellin on cellphones (apparently when on the phone, u MUST shout to be heard), busses taking hours to come and when they arrive there are two or more of the same exact bus bumper to bumper, men dressed in terrible drag, women dressed in men's clothing with shaved heads, prostitutes parading in broad daylight (not the pretty kind either), CD/DVD/socks/shoelace salesmen dragging their suitcases to you, crackhead usin his feet and hands to move his "wheelchair" (really a stolen office chair) up the street.......and a slew of campaigners standing on a corner asking you to help keep the current mayor in power....

20 April 2010

Top Stupid Questions

While I had a temporary gig at a Caribbean Bakery, I must say I have heard some of the dumbest questions and experienced the dumbest complaints ever!!!! Here are some I remember:

Customer walks in, can't possibly miss the loud calypso music playing, or the big trini flags everywhere or the giant menu on the wall facing her...."yall got some mambo sauce n wings?" 

Other questions were:

Are yall open? (after person walks through door, lights are on and there's clearly a customer eating at the table by the door.)

Why dont u have donuts?

What is in the beef patty? (im pretty sure we call it beef just for the hell of it)

Is trinidad in jamaica? (my all time fave)

Customer number ten million  came in and complained the sodas weren't american...last time i checked there are at least four stores on the same block selling american drinks but she walked into the CARIBBEAN  place asking for AMERICAN drinks....

and there was the guy who asked for rice n stewed lentils minus the lentils.....as in rice with... water?

14 April 2010

Not A Morning Person!!

So this morning.......

 I babysat. I arrived a lil frazzled cuz I had to find an atm to get money to take the bus, only for the atm screen to be dim (as if my sight isnt already blurry enough)  anyhow I took out my 20 n went to the gas station to get it changed all while missing 3 busses. I finally get what I need and run to catch the 4th one to pass, caught it! rode it to work and you wouldnt believe what happened next......(cue mysterious music)

....Im left to care for a baby boy and his pet dog (mind you, I hate dogs)....the dog didnt bite me ....but it did manage to vomit all over the carpet and a little got on the boy's Dr. Seuss book (thank God for hard covers). Thoroughly grossed out, I moved the baby away and got plastic bags to clean it up (the vomit was solid) only......as I got closer......I see dark pink worms squiggling in it!!! I screamed, grabbed the baby and ran upstairs for safety!!

You see why I hate mornings?

13 April 2010

Heights of Procrastination

Sorry my dear...I have been meaning to add blog entries but simply havent gotten around to it. I told you I have a procrastination problem. Its been 2 years! lol! Well, anyhow if its any consulation I have lotsa stuff to say!!! hmmmm....where shall I start? well....I still end up being that poor random soul who gets approached by the crazies on the street. I still have to ride the crazy 70 bus filled with  teenaged American Idol Wannabes, whinos, screaming babies, dvd/cd salesmen and of course the few normal ppl like me who quietly cling to our purses or briefcases and pray no one sits beside us.....uuuggghhh too late!  Hopefully we get to my stop quickly...