16 October 2010

Community Love

As you already know I love DC though I hate it sometimes...overall I love it. I also love my fellow man so whenever I get a chance, I do community service. Two recent activities included participating in the Aids Walk. I got to join my fellow Bison (u knoooowwww!!), raise funds and walk for a great cause. It was pretty fun and I definitely look forward to next year. We got there pretty early in the morning, and were greeted by many smiling faces. We warmed up with the "DC Cowboys?" I think they are called...and grooved to some great music then walked our hearts out. There were many cheerleaders along the way to keep us pumped and at the end we were entertained by dance performances. Although we had a blast, we do hope that HIV/AIDS gets stomped out.

I also had the honor of assisting at an after school program- after they finished their homework, we played games like pictionary and mancala :) I also served them supper. It was an awesome experience! I totally love kids and as you already konw-im a kid magnet so this totally worked well.

Arlington: The Rap

Metro Song

I absolutely love this!! It totally sums up my daily metro ordeal. hahaha!!

14 October 2010


Columbus weekend was filled with many adventures!! I partied it up at a Nigerian party in Adams Morgan, watched a idiot wild out in jumbo slice (after I got my pizza thank God), stopped by my fave hole in the wall-Timehri to get my reggae fix, did a late night run from HU campus to the diner for some pancakes (literally jogged there), slept in late and....the grand finale....went to the GORILLAZ concert!!! It was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! (not enough exclamation points to show how cool it was) N.E.R.D opened the show, then Snoop performed via satellite, Bobby Womack, Mos Def, Kano, Damon Albarn and Bashy and GORILLAZ (cant do it without caps)! lol!

During Pharell's performance, there were some dudes in the front who were rockin out hardcore even to the slower songs. They pushed the chairs around and everything...they even threw their shirts onstage. Pharell was not pleased. He gave them a look (you know the one, the look that says WTH?) lol!

But yea, it was an awesome night overall and above is a video clip from my phone.

Below is a videoclip from Kano's camcorder, he brought onstage. I got it from Youtube.

06 October 2010

Ur goin a lil crazy....and its ok

Ever felt like your day has been so bad or boring you wanna hop on a plane right now? Need to just get away?
 We all feel this way sometimes...I have had some friends say they feel this way and well I do sometimes too. You wanna know what I do when I feel like this? I leave. I hop on a cheap china bus to New York and see my family or I go to a friend's house and chill.

On the days when i'm either broke or dont wanna see or speak to another human being...I put my cellphone on silent (keywords here, take notes--your phone must go off or silenced to achieve peace). Don't worry it's only off for a few hours til you feel a lil less crazy. And I TAKE A WALK.

Simply walking alone in silence with no real destination in mind...just looking at all that's around you, engulfing yourself in the moment no thought concerning your past or future...or present. Just walk.

If you're not a walker:
  • Stay home and watch tv/surf the net/be lazy simply cuz you can
  • Excercise
  • Read a book you've been meaning to
  • Go get your hair/nails/eyebrows done (or do it yourself)
  • Write a bucket list and,on there, create one thing you can do right now
  • Write about a magical place you would rather be than here (sounds corny but it works)
  • Clean/redecorate/reorganize your living space
  • Clean up your computer/email inbox
  • Take yourself on a date with yourself (im serious) (movies, dinner, the works)
  • Pray to whoever you believe in and trust them.
Remember you're crazy just like everyone else so dont feel bad. Theres no such thing as normal. We all have bad days and well, now you have ideas of what to do.