23 May 2010


Sooo earlier this week, I went to my usual salon to see my usual stylist to get my routine haircare. I call in the morning when I wake up to make sure she is there that day and all is well for me to see her later. Guess what happened? I got there and she wasn't there. Had to run an errand and would be back for at least twenty minutes but I didnt have time to spare. I had to be at work in two hours and it takes about that much time to relax, wash, treat, trim, flat iron and style my hair. Oh sigh. I couldnt go to work with the lion's mane I had on my head either sooo I went ahead and let another stylist work on it. I was so nervous, I literally teared up. I am very sensitive when it comes to my hair, one screw up and I will hate you for life. It is my hair, it is on my head, it frames my face, it HAS to be on point! She started to relax it and mid relaxer, she asks if I have ever had jerri curls....I knew right then I was doomed. Jerri curl? Its 2010, what does a jerri curl have to do with anything?  (thats what I thought, but what I actually said was no I dont have them nor have I ever and I dont want them, thank you). My hands began to shake because that question solidified that she was gonna screw up my hair! Lucky for me, my stylist came running through the door and I hopped out of that chair and told the lady bye. I couldnt have been happier :)

Apartment Hunting

Have you ever hunted for a place to live in DC? It is QUITE the experience! Here are some facts to consider:
1. At the time I was fresh outta college and just as broke as I was in college
2. Didn't really have much furniture (well....any actually. I sold it n that's another story, don't ask)
3. Didn't have a car so need it to be metro accessible
4. I was on crutches because I sprained my knee (yes it is possible) ( I slipped on ice)

These facts are quite limiting for apartment hunting especially in DC. So of course, it turned out to be quite the adventure. I ended up using the evil site known as Craigslist for help in addition to various other sites. I viewed  maybe twenty places and fifteen of the twenty were umm lets say "set ups". In honor of keeping this short, we'll discuss the craziest ones only.

Here's the one that came in second place for the crazy award--A woman advertised for a roommate for a two bedroom. Once I got there it was a one bedroom, she put her bed in the living room and told me I could take the bedroom. She also said that I would pay the rent and she would cover the utilities....how that seems logical is beyond me. I politely declined and left.

The one that came in first place is:
 A man in the middle of northeast who told me its about 400 a month for me to rent a room in one of the houses he owns...lets call him Captain Bob. Captain Bob told me his place is metro accessible, affordable and furnished.

First of all the train station is no where near the house! I had to take a 20 minute bus ride to the house after getting off the train AND walk a few blocks. Already feelin salty, I called him once I got to the cross streets he suggested. When I called, he told me he was in the grocery across the street from where I stood. So of course I hobble over on my crutches to the "grocery" which is actually a liquor store. I kid you not. Once I got there, he came out and met me and we went up the road to the property. Fast forward....we are now inside and the first thing I see is that there is a large living room with a bed, couch, desk and make shift closet in it. I ask why its there and he says that its his room but not to worry because he sleeps hard so I don't have to worry about waking him as I walk by. (the only way to enter/exit the house is to pass his bed). Just for kicks, I ask if he would put up a curtain or some sort of divider for privacy. He scratches his head, wrinkles his nose and replies ummm yea I guess I can do that.

Stifling my laughter, I proceed to view the rest of the house (just for the sake of it, I traveled so far you know?) The stairs are high and narrow with no type of railing or wall for safety. The floors are wooden and painted a fire engine red everywhere. The upsatirs hall is so narrow, I couldnt keep my crutches on to walk through and there are three bedrooms all of which use wooden slat closet doors as the bedroom door. The man couldn't even put in real doors! I step into the bedroom and its so small, If I sneeze, I'd hit my head on the next wall. (I swear!) The floor in the room shook when I stepped on it and trust me im a very tiny woman so nothing in this world shakes when I step usually. I turn to leave and he tells me that if I move in, my rent will increase after my first three months. I just looked at him and said good bye. I walked outside and called a cab immediately.

My search as you can see was no picnic but I survived and now live happily in a decent abode.

20 May 2010


Standing in an Adams Morgan bar, waiting for my crew to arrive, I received a terrible phone call. One of my friends was just robbed! I left the bar and went to meet up with her. Luckily, she wasn't injured, and as we sat together, she told the story:

 We were to have a girls night out in Adams Morgan and she stopped at CVS to pick up something. Walking from the car to the store, passed a couple teenage boys, only for one to grab her purse. She grabbed it back but he held her down and grabbed it again. They fought back and forth, she called for help and eventually he seized the purse. He and his comrades ran off. Alas, the store security guard appears, aloof as can be, and she tells him she was robbed and they are getting away. He goes down the street to look for them (not even running, but walking). Surprisingly enough, he  failed to capture them. When the DC police arrived they assessed the situation and asked for a detailed description. While asking what the guy looked like, the cop asked if the culprit had "good hair". Why oh why must this officer show his ignorance? (sigh) He then proceeded to call her the wrong name (several times) despite her corrections. After the frustrating interview, several police officers gathered and stood around talking. They didn't search the streets or nearby alley for her purse or the thief nor did they escort her back to the car.

Living in a metropolitan area clearly has its perks as well as downfalls. Yes, we enjoy the benefits of a rich culture due to our diverse population, and seemingly faster paced lifestyle but we are faced at times with a higher likelihood of being a victim to crime. Unfortunately this may also yield a somewhat desensitized police force. (sigh) Not to knock the good cops out there but there are certain seeds out there...

Im very aware there are some awesome cops out there who do their job well ( I happen to know a couple) but there are some like the ones my poor friend had to deal with who don't seem to care.

18 May 2010

Bah Humbug

Today I gave in to a terrible temptation. The social city game app on facebook has morphed into a game where in order to achieve higher levels....you have to spend money. I don't particularly mind spending to have fun but when there are so many fun things you can do for free.....why bother? So what did I do wrong? you guessed it, I spent twenty bucks and went up three levels in a day. It felt great to have new buildings and factories and finally get closer to the highest level......but I refuse to do it again. This app is about to lose me...well maybe I should stay a lil bit longer and make my twenty worth it....

03 May 2010

A View of Georgia Avenue

Close your eyes and imagine...hot humid weather with a barely there breeze, sirens blaring, dirt blowin on the street as if we're in a old western, Ethiopian cab drivers asking YOU for directions, mormons in black suits on bicycles, hood rats in clown clothes struttin like theyre on the runway, hispanic old men makin kissy faces at u, ppl yellin on cellphones (apparently when on the phone, u MUST shout to be heard), busses taking hours to come and when they arrive there are two or more of the same exact bus bumper to bumper, men dressed in terrible drag, women dressed in men's clothing with shaved heads, prostitutes parading in broad daylight (not the pretty kind either), CD/DVD/socks/shoelace salesmen dragging their suitcases to you, crackhead usin his feet and hands to move his "wheelchair" (really a stolen office chair) up the street.......and a slew of campaigners standing on a corner asking you to help keep the current mayor in power....