03 May 2010

A View of Georgia Avenue

Close your eyes and imagine...hot humid weather with a barely there breeze, sirens blaring, dirt blowin on the street as if we're in a old western, Ethiopian cab drivers asking YOU for directions, mormons in black suits on bicycles, hood rats in clown clothes struttin like theyre on the runway, hispanic old men makin kissy faces at u, ppl yellin on cellphones (apparently when on the phone, u MUST shout to be heard), busses taking hours to come and when they arrive there are two or more of the same exact bus bumper to bumper, men dressed in terrible drag, women dressed in men's clothing with shaved heads, prostitutes parading in broad daylight (not the pretty kind either), CD/DVD/socks/shoelace salesmen dragging their suitcases to you, crackhead usin his feet and hands to move his "wheelchair" (really a stolen office chair) up the street.......and a slew of campaigners standing on a corner asking you to help keep the current mayor in power....


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