23 May 2010

Apartment Hunting

Have you ever hunted for a place to live in DC? It is QUITE the experience! Here are some facts to consider:
1. At the time I was fresh outta college and just as broke as I was in college
2. Didn't really have much furniture (well....any actually. I sold it n that's another story, don't ask)
3. Didn't have a car so need it to be metro accessible
4. I was on crutches because I sprained my knee (yes it is possible) ( I slipped on ice)

These facts are quite limiting for apartment hunting especially in DC. So of course, it turned out to be quite the adventure. I ended up using the evil site known as Craigslist for help in addition to various other sites. I viewed  maybe twenty places and fifteen of the twenty were umm lets say "set ups". In honor of keeping this short, we'll discuss the craziest ones only.

Here's the one that came in second place for the crazy award--A woman advertised for a roommate for a two bedroom. Once I got there it was a one bedroom, she put her bed in the living room and told me I could take the bedroom. She also said that I would pay the rent and she would cover the utilities....how that seems logical is beyond me. I politely declined and left.

The one that came in first place is:
 A man in the middle of northeast who told me its about 400 a month for me to rent a room in one of the houses he owns...lets call him Captain Bob. Captain Bob told me his place is metro accessible, affordable and furnished.

First of all the train station is no where near the house! I had to take a 20 minute bus ride to the house after getting off the train AND walk a few blocks. Already feelin salty, I called him once I got to the cross streets he suggested. When I called, he told me he was in the grocery across the street from where I stood. So of course I hobble over on my crutches to the "grocery" which is actually a liquor store. I kid you not. Once I got there, he came out and met me and we went up the road to the property. Fast forward....we are now inside and the first thing I see is that there is a large living room with a bed, couch, desk and make shift closet in it. I ask why its there and he says that its his room but not to worry because he sleeps hard so I don't have to worry about waking him as I walk by. (the only way to enter/exit the house is to pass his bed). Just for kicks, I ask if he would put up a curtain or some sort of divider for privacy. He scratches his head, wrinkles his nose and replies ummm yea I guess I can do that.

Stifling my laughter, I proceed to view the rest of the house (just for the sake of it, I traveled so far you know?) The stairs are high and narrow with no type of railing or wall for safety. The floors are wooden and painted a fire engine red everywhere. The upsatirs hall is so narrow, I couldnt keep my crutches on to walk through and there are three bedrooms all of which use wooden slat closet doors as the bedroom door. The man couldn't even put in real doors! I step into the bedroom and its so small, If I sneeze, I'd hit my head on the next wall. (I swear!) The floor in the room shook when I stepped on it and trust me im a very tiny woman so nothing in this world shakes when I step usually. I turn to leave and he tells me that if I move in, my rent will increase after my first three months. I just looked at him and said good bye. I walked outside and called a cab immediately.

My search as you can see was no picnic but I survived and now live happily in a decent abode.


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